What's "County Central Committee" ?

The Democratic County Central Committee is the governing body of the San Diego County Democratic Party.  The Central Committee decides which democratic candidates to endorse and support during an election cycle. It also makes decisions regarding budget and spending for the local party. 

By electing strong, grassroots Democrats to the Democratic Central Committee, who are committed to Democratic principles, little "d" democracies, without greater loyalties to other organizations,  we can achieve these goals. 

Why is it so  important to vote for Central Committee?

Today, the Democratic Party is the dominant party in most parts of San Diego County.   Candidates endorsed by the party can push unlimited amounts of money from donors with no campaign finance restrictions through the party for outreach to Democratic Voters.  Millions of dollars flow through our local party during a campaign cycle.  Politicians and interest groups would like to influence how this money is spent, by gaining seats on our central committee.   

We urge you to keep our local party independent - led by democratic voters, not politicians, not outside interest groups.

  Please vote for our slate of honest, courageous democratic leaders to keep our party honest and independent. 

How do I vote for Central Commitee?

Democratic voters vote for central committee members on the March primary ballot.  You vote for six candidates out of the candidates listed for your assembly district.